Little Diamonds
(18months - 3years)
We are very excited to announce our new class, Little Diamonds, starting at Diamond Gymnastics. Little Diamonds is a parents and toddler class aimed at 18 months (walking) to 3 years old. The structured classes for you and your child to enjoy together will be coach led and a great introduction to gymnastics. Classes will include action songs, a variety of hand apparatus and plenty of exciting climbing, jumping, balancing and swinging on all our fantastic apparatus.
Class times:
- Friday 1.45 - 2.30pm
Class cost:
£10 per class paid termly.
Pre School Gymnastics
(3years - 4years)
Both boys and girls who are not at full-time school are welcome to these sessions which focus on supporting each child’s physical development through fitness in a fun and positive environment, aiming to help them grow in confidence to try new activities and skills. Gymnastics helps children to learn about body awareness, improves their body coordination and hand-eye coordination as well as develops muscle strength. During these classes, we will aim to help the children develop emotionally, cognitively and physically The children will come into the class independently and each session will be led by qualified coaches teaching the basic gymnastic skills and progressions in small groups, working on a variety of our gymnastics apparatus. These sessions provide an excellent stepping stone to one of our gymnastics programmes for school-age children.
Class times:
- Thursday 1.30 - 2.15pm
- Saturday 8.45 - 9.30am
- Saturday 9.30 - 10.15am
- Sunday 9.00 - 9.45am
Class cost:
£12 per class paid termly.
Diamonds Reception
(4years - 5years)
These sessions focus on developing each child’s physical development through fitness in a fun, positive environment, aiming to help the child to continue to grow in confidence, learn about body awareness, improve their body coordination and hand-eye coordination as well as developing muscle strength. Exercise helps children to develop emotionally, cognitively and physically. Each session will be led by qualified coaches teaching the basic gymnastic skills and progressions in small groups working on a variety of our gymnastics apparatus. Each session is carefully constructed to motivate your child in a fun and progressive environment with an emphasis on safety and correct technique. The skill level will be matched to each individual’s ability ensuring engaged, healthy, and happy children.
Class times:
- Tuesday 4.00-5.00pm
- Thursday 4.00-5.00pm
- Saturday 9.00-10.00am
- Sunday 9.45-10.45am
Class cost:
£12 per class paid termly.
Diamonds 1
(5years - 7years)
A class for boys and girls suitable for all levels from beginner to the more experienced. During these sessions we will continue to focus on developing each child’s physical development through fitness in a fun, positive environment, aiming to help them to continue to grow in confidence, learn about body awareness, improves their body coordination and hand-eye coordination as well as developing muscle strength. Exercise helps children to develop emotionally, cognitively and physically. Each session will be led by qualified coaches teaching the basic gymnastic skills and progressions in small groups working on a variety of our gymnastics apparatus. As the gymnasts get a little older and gain experience in our sessions we will work on developing more demanding skills through safe and challenging progressions. Sessions will be carefully constructed to motivate your child in a fun and progressive environment with an emphasis on using the correct techniques. The skill level will be matched to each individual’s ability to ensure engaged, healthy, and happy children.
Class times:
- Tuesday 4.00 - 5.00pm
- Thursday 4.00 - 5.00pm
- Saturday 9.00 - 10.00am
- Sunday 10.45 - 11.45am
Class cost:
£12 per class paid termly.
Diamonds 2
(7years +)
A class for boys and girls suitable for all levels from beginner to the more experienced. During these sessions we will continue to focus on developing each child’s physical development through fitness in a fun, positive environment, aiming to help them to continue grow in confidence, learn about body awareness, improves their body coordination as well as developing muscle strength which are all transferable skills to different sports. Each session will be led by qualified coaches teaching the basic gymnastic skills and progressions in small groups working on a variety of our gymnastics apparatus. As the gymnasts continue to grow and gain experience in our sessions we will work on developing more demanding skills through safe and challenging progressions. We will aim to improve their strength and flexibility to help these progressions so they are able to achieve the more advanced skills. Skill level is matched to each individual ability ensuring engaged, healthy, happy children.
Class times:
- Tuesday 5.00pm - 6.00pm
- Saturday 10.00am - 11.00am
- Sunday 11.45am - 12.45pm
Class cost:
£12 per class paid termly.
Diamonds Rising Stars
(4years +)

This is an invitation-only development class. This class is currently for girls aged 4 years and above who show the potential and strong qualities of a young gymnast. In this class, we will focus on the basic skills and preparation required for their development in gymnastics.
Class times:
- Friday 4.00 - 5.00pm
Class cost:
£12 per class paid termly.
Diamonds Development Class
(6years +)

This is an invitation-only development class. This class is currently for girls aged 6 years and above who show the potential and strong qualities of a young gymnast. In this class, we will focus on the basic skills and preparation required for their development in gymnastics. As the gymnasts progress and gain experience they will learn more advanced gymnastics skills and aim to work towards entering competitions.
Class times:
- Saturday 10.00am - 12.00pm
Class cost:
Paid termly.
How To Book
Children are invited to an initial trial class. The cost of this class is £10 for Little Diamonds and £14 for all other classes. A trial can be booked by clicking the following link: Class 4 Kids
Once the trial class has been completed or if a trial class is not required, the term can be booked. The cost of the term is payable in full or pro-rata if joining part the way through the term. The term can be booked by clicking the following link: Class 4 Kids
British Gymnastics Membership
All Diamond Gymnastics members need to become members of British Gymnastics. This membership is mandatory for all children participating in gymnastics at a registered British Gymnastics Club. It gives each child a fully comprehensive insurance package while participating in lessons at Diamond Gymnastics.
The cost of a British Gymnastics membership is £15 per year for pre-school & £22 per year for general gymnastics, membership runs from 1st October 2023 – 30th September 2024.
The parent's responsibility is to ensure this membership has been paid. Current members should have received an email from British Gymnastics with a link to register for the new year or alternatively please use the following link: British Gymnastics Membership. Please then follow the instructions on the website to either ‘join now’ or ‘renew membership’. When completing the membership form you will be asked to choose the club your child attends, please choose ‘Diamond Gymnastics (Amersham)
If membership hasn’t been paid, your child will not be insured through Diamond Gymnastics and as a result will not be able to participate in their class until membership is completed.